Friday, February 8, 2013

Where it all began: My new not-by-choice diet

Welcome to eat gluten free with me.  I figured I would start from the beginning.  This is from my personal blog, September 10, 2010.
Not sure if it’s going to help me lose weight, but it might.
I have been battling stomach issues for a while now….seems like forever, but I’ve definitely noticed a difference since Jack was born. By that I mean, I eat and I have to use the bathroom very shortly after….I won’t go into details. This past week I’ve been not right and I finally thought I should go to the doctor. Which was a hard decision because as much as I love the doctor, sometimes we avoid them so we can’t find out what we might already suspect. But I am sick of feeling sick, so off I went.
And she did what I expected….limit the diet and sent me for blood tests, one of which is for Celiac Disease, which means going gluten free. I also am going to see a GI Specialist in October. Obviously I just had the test done, but for now she suggested I go either gluten or dairy free for two weeks, and then switch if the first didn’t make a difference. Since Celiac runs in the family, I’m going with the gluten first. And I’m not giving up cheese yet unless I have to :) .
So we’ll see what happens…..I’m already craving a cookie. I think because I can’t have one. I’m going to need to find some gluten free goodies. My uncle lost a bunch of weight having to follow the diet though…that’s a positive, right?
I’ll add more about this journey in between my recipes and dining experiences.

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